
I ache.

I miss my Utah friends.

I do love my new place,
even though there’s still lots to do.

But I miss my Utah friends.

I ache.

About LuckyRedHen

We are blunt around here. That does not mean we are rude or disrespectful. Differing viewpoints are welcome as long as you follow our #1 house rule: Be Kind.
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14 Responses to Ache

  1. Ditto. Now tell Ben you want to swap places for a weekend.

  2. luckyzmom says:

    I feel it and send prayers of comfort.

  3. Azúcar says:

    Are you sure it’s not gout?

  4. Kate Benson says:

    Miss you too… and I now live closer to where you once were.

  5. Lyle says:

    So, this is your reminder of what I’ll be up against shortly? Doesn’t the Floo network extend all the way to Washington?

  6. Sarah Anne says:

    I just recently moved from Utah to the NW as well and I feel your pain. I’m sorry for your pain.

  7. Rebekah says:

    I miss you too!! Has your home sold here?Love and hugs!!-Rebekah

  8. Gout? Crap.Sorry Lyle, it might. Depends on how cool your current friends are ;o)Home still for sale… anybody wanna buy it for me?

  9. Sofie says:

    Aaawwww 😦 How long has it been since you moved? Give it a little more time & hopefully it’ll get easier. Big hugs… You know what should bring a smile to your face… it’s nearly time for Mexico (you lucky *****************************! No, that’s not asterixed for “red hen”!)

  10. sue-donym says:

    Plan on aching forever in that cold weather.I miss you.

  11. We miss you too. It’s just not the same.But rememeber. I’ll see you next spring!!!

  12. cazmom says:

    We are so glad you’re here, Shan. I need to see you more often. I’m sorry I missed the dinner night with you and Lisa.

  13. PUG at Tim and Heidi’s studio on the 29th. Fly in.Miss you too! I need good menu ordering advice.

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